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Our Tender Grains of 900s (Triticum Aestivum)


Soft white ears wheat with a blond grain that allows a non-dark whole flour and white bread despite being whole meal. That characteristic was very popular in the past since the farmers could eat whole-meal that seemed the white bread of rich people! With great leavening capacity, Virgil is one of the “Chosen Seeds” selected in the early 1900s by the geneticist Nazareno Strampelli.

San Pastore

It is a soft wheat with an amazing dark ear. Very resistant, it is able to produce a healthy and easy to grind grain. Among its origins, it comes from the durum wheat of Puglia. That allows it to offer an excellent flour for leavened products as well as for egg pasta. San Pastore is one of the “Chosen Seeds” selected in the early 1900s by the geneticist Nazareno Strampelli, too.


It is a soft wheat and one of the first varieties we thresh. It comes from three ancient varieties from Italy, Holland, Japan. That is why we like to think that grain brings “half world”. We use it to make our line of naturally leavened biscuits “ARDITI”. Ardito is also one of the “Chosen Seeds” selected in the early 1900s by the geneticist Nazareno Strampelli.